The Effect of COVID-19 On eCommerce Businesses

The pandemic of coronavirus (COVID-19) severely impacted the global economy. While the traditional brick and mortar businesses experienced the most loss, the digitally operated businesses didnt suffer from quite as much harm. There were significant shifts in consumer behaviours, which permitted several industries to rise and change their ways. Take a look at how COVID-19 effected the eCommerce businesses.

Shipping Issues

The lockdown period of the coronavirus pandemic led to a sever shipping problem. The restricted outdoor trips, as well as the government-imposed quarantine, prevented eCommerce businesses from shipping out their products in the most effective manner. Hence, during the months of late February and March, eCommerce businesses struggled to meet the high demands of the customers in quarantine. However, in the current state of the world, carrying out shipping is no longer a serious issue.

The Rise of Grocery Store Applications

One of the greatest change brought by the pandemic is the rise of grocery store application. As a result of the pandemic, many grocery stores sought eCommerce solutions and launched their own smartphone applications to deliver their products to the customers in self-isolation or quarantine. This enabled customers to directly shop from the stores, without having to leave the house and place themselves at a risk. In fact, Carrefour, the French retail store, reported a six-hundred per cent rise in the sales of their vegetables through the online grocery store delivery.

Increase in Smartphone Delivery Applications

Similar to the grocery store application, other businesses, such as clothing stores, pharmacies and restaurants, also indulged in getting personalised smartphone applications created for their businesses. As a result, the pandemic led to a rise in the formation of smartphone delivery applications.

A Boost of Creative Ideas

In addition to just increasing the creation of smartphone applications, the COVID-19 pandemic stimulated businesses to think in novel ways. Online businesses came up with fresh ideas to limit and prevent the spread. One of the latest innovations was the introduction of contactless delivery, which increased the safety of the delivery person, as well as the customer. Moreover, a variety of industries are also working on using technological advances to limit in-person interactions. For instance, industries in China are currently exploring the use of robots and drones to carry out delivery operations.

The Shift in Consumer Behaviour

If the pandemic taught anything, it was that consumer behavior is unpredictable. During this dark period of human history, consumer shopping patterns suffered a drastic change. In the months of late February and March, the most in-demand items included toiletries. However, now, eCommerce stores are experiencing an increase in sales for protective products, such as face masks, sanitizers, and disposable gloves. Additionally, online pharmacies have also gained popularity during the global pandemic.

The changes brought by the global pandemic has urged businesses to hire eCommerce development services to facilitate the shift to the digital realm. If your business has suffered from the pandemic, it is imperative to hire an eCommerce website builder to help you come out from the losses.